

Griko, a variant of Greek script written in Latin characters and local dialect, is one of the wonders found, and heard, in Salento. It is common in Greek Salento, part of the province of Lecce: Calimera, Castrignano De' Greci, Corigliano d'Otranto, Martano, Martignano, Melpignano, Soleto, Sternatia and Zollino. Griko is connected to the Greek colonist migrations to the west and it was likely preserved by the Byzantine rite liturgy celebrations until the early XX century. This part of the Salento is reputed nationally for its Notte della Taranta traditional music event that attracts thousands of people each year in the square of former Augustinian monastery in Melpignano. Recently Carpignano Salentino and Cutrofiano have joined the Union of Municipalities of Greek Salento, a consortium that represents the local Griko.
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