
Cutrofiano is an Italian town of 9,125 inhabitants in the province of Lecce. Located in the central and southern Salento, since 2007 is part of the Union of Municipalities of the "Grecìa Salentina", although the country doesn't speak the language anymore. Center known for clay works, is the birthplace of Uccio Aloisi, one of the greatest exponents of Salento's pizzica tradition and of traditionl peasant songs, and also Ortensio Abbaticchio, religious, executed by the Inquisition in Rome on 15 June 1566. The territory of the municipality of Cutrofiano that extends into the central part of the province is about 32 km from the capital, in the south. It occupies a land area of ??55.72 square kilometers and is located 81 m above sea level.

Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 D.LGS. 30 giugno 2003 n.196

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