Hotels & Resort / Santa Maria al Bagno - Nardò (LE)

Grand Hotel Riviera - CDS Hotels

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The Grand Hotel Riviera, a seaside hotel, is located on the seafront of Santa Maria al Bagno, rich in history, memory and beauty. The Wellness Centre carved from the rock, the possibility to enjoy massages in the pine forest with a sea view, an elegant restaurant overlooking the sea, make the Grand Hotel Riviera the ideal place to satisfy every need and desire.
Via Emanuele Filiberto n.172/174 - Santa Maria al Bagno - Nardò (LE)
Reception H 24 – Wi-fi – Porterage- Room service - Private beach – SPA – Soft entertainment – Air conditioning

Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 D.LGS. 30 giugno 2003 n.196

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