"365 giorni nel Salento" is the App that allows you to experience the Salento area 365 days a year.
It is the perfect app which allows you to live your holidays in exclusive facilities, to visit our magic land and to discover the Salento area,its culture and its traditions,even if you have lived here for a long time.
In this App the contents of
365giorninelsalento.it portal are geolocated on a map for an immediate use. You can activate your location on the map at any time, to see how close you are to the place you are looking for.
Moreover,thanks to the service Occhio alle Spiagge (
www.occhioallespiagge.it) you can view the sea conditions of the most beautiful beaches of Salento on live streaming.
“365 giorni nel Salento” gives you all the necessary and updated informations about the places and the activities that can be found there: accommodation, tasting, leisure activities and services, highlights. In this App there is also a section about the main events that are organised in the provinces of Lecce, Brindisi and Taranto.
To use this App you need an Internet connection, and all the contents will automatically be downloaded on your mobile. This service allows you to find new contents at any time, by using just a little memory on your mobile.