Torre dell'Orso

Torre Dell'orso is a seaside resort in Salento, Melendugno, in the province of Lecce. Known for the wide beach of fine silver sand, it has a very clear sea because of the currents of Canale d'Otranto. Thanks to this,the place is frequented by many tourists in summer and has been repeatedly awarded the European Blue Flag for cleanliness and transparency of the sea. The name derives from the presence, on the coast, of a tower of the 16th century used in the past for spotting the Turkish ships headed towards Salento.

Webcam a Torre dell'Orso
Webcam a Otranto (15.26 km)
Eventi a Torre dell'Orso
Attrattività a Torre dell'Orso
(2.49 km)
a Torre dell'Orso
Mangiare a Torre dell'Orso
Svagarsi a Torre dell'Orso
Surf in Salento (3.23 km)

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