Local products / Carmiano (LE)

Cantine Vaglio Massa

Expanses of vineyards and olive trees in the heart of Salento few km from Lecce, the famous capital of Baroque style, are the welcome that family Vaglio Massa reserves to the enotourist searching for new quality destinations.
As a matter of fact the firm includes 60 hectares of property, 25 as vineyards and more than 30 consecrated to secular olive trees. The entrepreneurial idea is born from the union of Bartolo, Vera and Sonia who, after ten years of experience in the field, have created a combination that reserves the maximum cares to each step of processing.
It is also important to highlight the recent choice of conversion to biologic and the possibility for the tourist to meet the producers, to visit the factory and taste their wines in one of the many initiatives organized at the winery.
Strada prov.le Carmiano - Salice - Carmiano (LE)
tastings, guided tours and hospitality.

eventi nelle vicinanze
dormire nelle vicinanze
Villa Moresca (11.75 km)
Palazzo Bignami (12.04 km)
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