Restaurants / Santa Cesarea Terme (LE)

The Riviera

Imagine yourself on a ship and with the feeling of being able to touch the horizon; listen to the sound of waves crashing on the rocks, feel smells of the Mediterranean scrub and taste the delicate flavor of a dish expertly prepared.
You are in Santa Cesarea Terme: the restaurant The Riviera, a picturesque bay in the Salento coast where the beauty of the places and flavors of fresh fish, is enhanced by our experienced and skillful chef Danilo Caroppo and will engage you to spend an unforgettable day.
The cuisine is typically Mediterranean: the menu includes dishes based on fish, meat and other whims. The carefully chosen quality of the ingredients, combined with a skillful preparation by the chef Francesco de Santis, make dinner an important moment.
Litoranea per Castro Marina - Santa Cesarea Terme (LE)
40.0296970198 - 18.4422335028
Sun beds, umbrellas, pool.

eventi nelle vicinanze
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Roccia Hotel (3.68 km)
Casa di Nina (3.98 km)
Casa Pasca (4.32 km)
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Partner del progetto

Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 D.LGS. 30 giugno 2003 n.196

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