365 giorni nel salento

The Guide

Among the paradoxes that can be lived in Salento, there is a rather singular one: the more you see, the more is left to discover. The vastness of the territory, the view on the two seas, the presence of a little less than a hundred municipalities, most of them with beauties and peculiar characteristics, make the province of Lecce an enchanting maze. So it’s essential to know how to move and do it at the right time, to fully enjoy a short or long holiday. In this tiny but dense guide, we have thought about collecting the essential answers to the necessary questions, but also to the most voluptuous ones. From transports to accomodation facilities, from cultural informations to restaurants, pizzerias, pubs, almost everything in an agile and easily accessible publication.

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Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 D.LGS. 30 giugno 2003 n.196

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