Corsano is an Italian town of 5,657 inhabitants in the province of Lecce. Located in the eastern side of Capo di Leuca, 59 km from the provincial capital, it includes a short stretch of the Salento's coast. It is part of the 'Consorzio Intercomunale Capo Santa Maria di Leuca', participant to the club of the authentic villages of Italy. The town is known for the production of handmade neckties.
39.8887968831 - 18.3664798736

Webcam a Corsano
Webcam a Otranto (30.53 km)
Eventi a Corsano
Dormire a Corsano
Roccia Hotel (13.28 km)
Casa di Nina (13.45 km)
Svagarsi a Corsano
Lido Samarinda (10.52 km)

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