San Michele Salentino

San Michele Salentino is a comune in the province of Brindisi in Puglia, on the south-east Italy coast. Its main economic activities are tourism and the growing of olives and grapes. San Michele Salentino is twinned with:

a San Michele Salentino
Webcam a San Michele Salentino
Eventi a San Michele Salentino
Attrattività a San Michele Salentino
Pozzelle tower (15.56 km)
a San Michele Salentino
Dormire a San Michele Salentino
Mangiare a San Michele Salentino
La Gilda (12.1 km)
Magistravini (36.95 km)
Svagarsi a San Michele Salentino
Teranga Bay (39.88 km)
Lido Tabù (45.01 km)

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