Churches / Galatone (LE)

Collegiate of the Assumption

It is the mother church of the city of Galatone in the province of Lecce.
The church was built between 1591 and 1595 on the ruins of an older one, demolished for its precarious conditions.
The façade, is distributed over three orders
Next to the prospectus lies the bell tower with three overlapping prism-shaped floors.
The interior is separated by the transept and this by the choir through two arches on which are carved in succession the coats of arms of the civic administration and the Chapter of the church. The nave is marked by four chapels adorned with paintings of different artists including some of Donato Antonio D'Orlando. In the transept, in which is set a pipe organ, are the chapels of St Sebastian and Blessed Sacrament, adjacent to the chancel.

Bed&Breakfast & Farm

Dimora Moresca 1906
Galatone (LE)

Public Transport

Stazione Ferroviaria di Galatone Città
Galatone (LE)

sto caricando gli eventi

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