Racale is in the south of Salento at 54 Km from Lecce and 6 Km from the Ionian Sea. It includes the coastal resort of Torre Suda, a place of considerable tourist flows. Its territory was inhabited since the ancient times: the remains of a specchia(the best preserved in Salento) and the dolmen Ospina confirm that the area was for certain populated since the age of bronze. The Church of Maria dè Paradiso of the XII century, the Church of Madonna dei Fiumi born in the XI century on an ancient settlement of Italian-Greeks monks; the Church of Santa Maria la Nova and the Benedictine cenobio of the end of the XI century are suggested. Racale has been an important centre for the industrial production stockings.
39.9596224676 - 18.0929374694
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Webcam a Diso (27.39 km)
Eventi a Racale
Attrattività a Racale
Menhir Ninfeo (4.17 km)
Svagarsi a Racale
Vivosa SPA (9.68 km)
Zeus Beach (10.14 km)
Zen (10.45 km)

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