
Neviano is an Italian town of 5,517 inhabitants in the province of Lecce in Apulia. Located in the central-western part of Salento, in the territory of the Serre salentine, is 31.2 kilometers from the provincial capital and 13 km from the Ionian Sea. Neviano is located on the northern offshoots of the Serre salentine at 108 m above sea level. The modern urban center has developed in the course of the 20th century to the west, in the most flat area, creating a separation with the city center positioned at a slightly higher altitude. The municipality, which extends on a surface of 16:06 km², is between 80 m (minimum height) and 170 m above sea level. (maximum height).
40.1061744762 - 18.1157684326

Webcam a Neviano
Eventi a Neviano
Dormire a Neviano
Tenuta Stevens (5.03 km)
Mangiare a Neviano
Vitaminas (12.31 km)
Hostaria Aretè (22.6 km)
Svagarsi a Neviano
Salsedine Beach (10.17 km)
Zen (11.68 km)

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