Churches / Otranto (LE)

Otranto's Cathedral

The Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunziata is the most important place of Catholic worship in Otranto, and the mother church of the homonymous archdiocese.
Built on the ruins of a messapic village, a Roman domus and an early Christian temple, it was founded in 1068 by Norman Bishop Guglielmo. It is a synthesis of different architectural styles including Byzantine, Christian and Romanesque. It was consecrated on August 1, 1088.
In August 1480, the cathedral was the scene of a terrible carnage; the Turks conquered the city after a few days of siege and entered the church, killing the clergy and civilians who had taken refuge there. It was converted into a mosque and all the frescoes dating back to the 13th century were destroyed. In 1481, after the liberation of Otranto by the troops of Alfonso V of Aragon, it was heavily reshaped.
Otranto (LE)
40.1457813689 - 18.4907895326

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