Sogliano Cavour

Sogliano Cavour (Sughiàna in griko, Sughiànu in the local dialect) is in the outback of Salento, half away between the Ionian and Adriatic seas. It is at 25 Km to the south of Lecce. At the beginning of the XIX century it belonged to Decatría Choría with Cutrofiano, Cursi, Cannole and the current municipalities of Grecìa Salentina. They are thirteen towns which preserve the Greek language and traditions. Its origins date back to the magno-greek Age or to the period of the Byzantine reign. The Church of San Lorenzo martyr dating to the XV century; the Church of Maria Santissima Annunziata (XVII century) built on a complex of Basilian caves of which the crypt of Madonna del Riposo remains; the Monastery of Sant'Agostino dating to the first half of XVII century with quadrangular cloister and a tank are suggested.
40.1473887835 - 18.1963634490

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