Parks / Carovigno (BR)

State Natural Reserve Torre Guaceto

The State Natural Reserve Torre Guaceto is situated on the Adriatic coast of Salento, a few kilometers from the centers of Carovigno and San Vito dei Normanni and 27 km away from Brindisi.
The first actions to protect it date back to the '70s, when the Marquis Luisa Romanazzi Carducci from her entry into the national executive of WWF Italy, convinced the association to take this territory to heart.
In 1987, the WWF Italy, on behalf of the Ministry of Merchant Navy, realizes the feasibility plan for the establishment of a marine reserve in Torre Guaceto, which came true on December 4, 1991 by ministerial decree of the ministry. The marine protected area is assigned to the captaincy of Brindisi's harbor.
40.7067991104 - 17.7842903137

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Zenit Hotel (49.89 km)
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La Gilda (17.52 km)
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Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 D.LGS. 30 giugno 2003 n.196

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