Parks / Torre Canne - Fasano (BR)

Regional Nature Park Coastal Dunes from Torre Canne to Torre San Leonardo

This is a protected natural area of the High Salento, located in the municipalities of Ostuni and Fasano, both in the province of Brindisi. It was established with the regional law of 27 October 2006, n. 31.
It presents habitats and coastal environments of high natural and scenic interest, and is part of the "Priority Habitats" project, established by Direttiiva n. 92/43/EEC. It features a halophilic vegetation and numerous dunes covered with Mediterranean vegetation, especially junipers (Juniperus oxycedrus e Juniperus phoenicea), holm oaks and thorny scrublands of Euphorbia. There are also wetlands represented by the Great River, the Little River and the Morello River, often a stop for migratory waterfowl.
40.8047142229 - 17.5158119201

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Zenit Hotel (73.6 km)
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La Gilda (9.51 km)
Magistravini (57.75 km)
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